12-21-2014, 02:25 PM
Good evening,
Earlier today I replaced the pair of 6f6 tubes with a pair of 6v6 tubes and the problem got worse. The bounce went crazy. Big highs and low lows. I am going to concentrate on the output for now and will report the results.
Well, I think that I finally found the problem. I decided to replace ALL the resistors in the radio and found that in an earlier repair they put a .01 on the grid of the 6J5 and the schematic called for a 110mmf. I replaced this cap and the radio is playing at a nice steady volume for about 30 minutes now. I'll play it for another hour or so and if it is still good I'll call it done. I will check the alignment again and then put it back in the cabinet. I will then try to send a picture of it completed.
Thanks to all who helped with this fix. Merry Christmas.