01-19-2015, 03:55 PM
(01-19-2015, 01:12 PM)mountain man Wrote: confused on schematic, the if can before the 7c6 has 5 wires in it grn,blue,black,red and white. the black wire is center tapped in the secondary side of the transformer but nowhere on the schematic. at present i have connected it to pin 4 on the 7c6 but i do not think this is right. getting 455khz tone all the way to the primary side of the transformer but no further. the 50l6 is not producing anything thru a speaker but i can get something when using signal tracer.any ideas?
There are three additional components inside this I.F. as shown on the schemo. 45A,C & D I believe. Anyways they are two 100pfd caps and a 47K resistor as shown below the 7C6 tube on the schematic. The black wire has to connect the two 100 pfd caps to the 7C6 cathode pin 7. Good luck.John