04-23-2018, 03:02 PM
I thought I would try posting in this section as the unit I am thinking of is indeed a stereo. I can recall trying to get one of these off eBay years ago, but the prices were always high. I also saw one in the flesh about five years ago, but it was being worked on for a customer at the shop.
I am at least wanting to research one of these, so here goes with a description. What I am taking about is a Zenith, table stereo. From what I recall it had speakers that folded shut across the front, had the AM-FM tuner as well as a phonograph that unfolded from the front (once the speakers were opened up of course!). It is a full tube unit, no transistors that I can recall. Also, it looks a bit like an old TV from the back as it has a molded back due to using the tube chassis. Now, does anyone here know what I am talking about?
Trying to do a Google search just makes me want to pick up this laptop and fling it out the window!
I am at least wanting to research one of these, so here goes with a description. What I am taking about is a Zenith, table stereo. From what I recall it had speakers that folded shut across the front, had the AM-FM tuner as well as a phonograph that unfolded from the front (once the speakers were opened up of course!). It is a full tube unit, no transistors that I can recall. Also, it looks a bit like an old TV from the back as it has a molded back due to using the tube chassis. Now, does anyone here know what I am talking about?

No matter where you go, there you are.