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Ron's RCA T7-5 Electronic Rescue

Sorry I missed your post about the dial burn marks. As such, I can't recall my set having any. The dial had turned very dark on mine, though, because of age. While the numbers were still there, it was very hard to see them even when the dial light was shining through.

I didn't go the LED route on mine, just used the standard bulb.

As long as the backplate has white paint on it, it will be perfectly fine for reflecting. Doesn't require a perfect paint job, as it will never be seen once the dial is in place.

As far as grill cloth, you could go with something like this:


I believe I got the wheat pattern for mine from Brett, but it doesn't appear that he has any left. He does, however, have the straight line pattern cloth that was used on several 1936-38 Philco table models:


Greg V.
West Bend, WI
Member WARCI.org

I couldn't really make out too much from the dial picture on the other thread, but am interested in the specific LED bulb you used.... and of course pictures of it with the new dial.

Since a reproduction grille cloth isn't available you just have to look at what's available and make a command decision Icon_e_wink .  Since Greg got his wheat pattern from Brett you might want to contact him and see if he might have enough left to do your set.

I think the new dial and LED light will really freshen up that RCA.

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

Thanks. I will contact Brett. I doubt that he has any of the wheat pattern cloth left but I will ask.

Greg, I do like the pattern in your first link. To me it is reminiscent of the pattern used on some Philco Tropics and export/English Philcos.

Well, I received notice from Radio Daze that my order shipped today. That's not bad, just eight days from order to shipment. It took longer the last time I ordered a dial scale. Maybe because I ordered two this time Icon_wink One for the RCA and one for a Philco 89 I have here.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

  I can't comment on this model specifically, however whenever I have encountered a radio with a burned plastic dial it was usually because someone used pilot bulbs with an envelope that was too long, or used one with a envelope that was too fat. This was a common problem with Canadian Rogers built radios of the mid 1930s, some had the bulb fit in through a rubber grommet on the back plate of the dial assembly, and at an angle, too long of a bulb and it touches (or nearly touches) the back of the dial and burns it, LEDs all around for those. 

Great work, leaned a few tricks along the way... like on knobs ,, "the old string method" you spoke of.
im still learning though

Thanks Scott.

The new reproduction dial scale arrived today, along with decals for the cabinet for when I tackle that project (it's going to be a toughie with the moisture damage, missing veneer on one side, and all).

And this morning, Rich at Sound Remedy notified me that the speaker for this radio was ready. So I paid him and it is already on its way back here. Fast turnaround...I'm impressed so far.

So...once the dial scale is installed and the speaker gets back, that will wrap up the chassis restoration of this T7-5. Oh yes, and I will need to align it, also, now that I have a dial scale.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Comparing the new scale with the old:

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_064.jpg]

The new scale isn't cut exactly the same as the new scale, but it does not matter as the outer edges will not be seen when the chassis is in the cabinet.

A closer look at the new scale:

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_065.jpg]

Here is the repainted dial back plate:

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_066.jpg]

Greg, I decided to take your advice and use pop rivets to hold the new dial scale in place.

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_067.jpg]

Looking good...I think...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

So I removed the 80 rectifier tube and applied power.

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_069.jpg]

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_070.jpg]

It looks much better than this "in person". The camera makes the LED lamp look much "hotter" than it really is. The gloss white paint on the back plate really helped with light diffusion. It is brighter at the top, of course, but the dial is well illuminated overall - again, not overly bright on top as these pictures seem to indicate.

A close-up of the new scale with the power off:

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_071.jpg]

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

I put the chassis back into the cabinet until I am ready to repair and refinish the cabinet - hopefully, before this summer is over.

You can see below that I really do need to get that dial cover ordered.

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_072.jpg]

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_073.jpg]

John (Eliot), you had asked about the LED lamp I used. I don't remember where I bought these lamps! Icon_crazy It wasn't from Pinball Life - they do not carry this bulb with a miniature screw base. All I remember is that I found them online somewhere, they were more expensive than the Pinball Life lamps but not too expensive, and they light up nice and bright. A bit brighter than a #46 incandescent, but not too overly bright. I like them Icon_thumbup

[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...-5_068.jpg]

Edit: I think I just found them:


They come in "White" (bright white) and "Warm White" (white with a yellowish tint, more like an incandescent bulb). I have the Warm White version to mimic the look of an original #46 lamp.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

It looks very good Ron, with a new dial cover it will be quite spiffy.  With Chinese incandescent bulbs being stocked now I think the LED's are the way to go for both life and brightness.

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

VERY NICE, RON!!! Was wondering if that type of plastic cover would buff up with some headlamp lens cleaner? Have you ever tried it?

That new dial scale looks great, Ron! Icon_thumbup  That's exactly how I installed mine. Yes, using pop rivets is a more permanent way of attaching it, but you really shouldn't have to take it off again. If the bulb goes, it comes out from the backside.

I just wish RD's repro dial scales weren't embossed like that, with the lettering raised. But hey, that's just a minor thing. Certainly better than not having any or a badly faded, darkened original scale.

Yes, you probably could try polishing the (once was) clear dial cover. I actually tried that on mine, but it never got very clear and the yellowed hue still remained. You're better off to bite the bullet and buy a new one. It will only enhance the eye candy of the new dial scale, bright white dial back plate, and LED bulb. You won't regret it...especially enjoying the radio in a darkened room at night! Icon_e_smile

Greg V.
West Bend, WI
Member WARCI.org

Really good Ron!

Seems that our RCA projects are coming on nicely together Icon_smile


I don't hold with furniture that talks.

I think that I would have probably used a set of small, pan head, machine screws, such as #8s, along with flat washers, and nuts, just in case I had to remove the dial scale again, such as to clean the back side, although it is easy enough to drill aluminum pop rivets out if you need to. With regard to the numbers and lettering on the scale being raised I don't really see this as an issue as the 1934-35 G.E and RCA sets had this, and unlike this 1936 model they don't wash away, at least on the Canadian versions.

I heard from Bret (Bret's Old Radios). He said any wheat cloth he had was long gone and he only had a very small amount of the #17 cloth left, so I just bought it. Icon_smile

Arran, I considered using screws and nuts, but as Greg said, I will likely never need to remove the scale again. A can of compressed air will blow away any accumulated dust.

Regarding the quality of RD's dial scales, they have come a long way since they bought out the Rock-Sea Enterprises dial scale business. Back then the dial scales were printed on paper and laminated. (Remember those light yellow dial scales?) Now, they are silkscreened on translucent phenolic, as were the originals. Their dial scales are MUCH better quality now. Icon_thumbup

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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