08-02-2019, 09:27 PM
Recently, my son-in-law helped me erect a longwire antenna behind our house. It runs from the back of the separate garage to the frame of a window on the main level of the back of our house, then down to the basement level where it connects to a lightning arrestor before entering the house.
In another thread, I wrote:
In response, Ed Holland wrote:
and rfeenstra wrote:
In this thread, I'll first answer Ed's questions, then Rob's. And then let us go on to discuss Rob's two questions:
Along the way, feel free to discuss your favorite SWL/communications receivers and why you like them; and what SWL/communications receiver(s) you would like to own.
Recently, my son-in-law helped me erect a longwire antenna behind our house. It runs from the back of the separate garage to the frame of a window on the main level of the back of our house, then down to the basement level where it connects to a lightning arrestor before entering the house.
In another thread, I wrote:
Quote:It rained Monday and Tuesday here...but stopped in time for me to be able to finish hooking up my new longwire Tuesday evening after work.
Hey Rob, now I'm sort of regretting letting my Scott SLRM go......but at least it is now in a good home where it won't be neglected. I'll be on the lookout for another nice communications receiver (like I need another radio
In response, Ed Holland wrote:
Quote:Ron, we always need another radioNice to hear you have the longwire up. Reminds me I need to finish those antenna notes.
There are some good communications receivers out there in auction land, but buyer beware as always. What are you looking for - Digital, analog, 60's, 70's 80's? I've collected quite a number over the years, and enjoy using them all. A couple needed repairs on arrival, but revived nicely - one day they will be vintage classics. I'd be happy to compare notes.
and rfeenstra wrote:
Quote:Ron, I listen to it regularly! In fact, it is on right now listening to a local talk radio station. I kind of switch between radios, or turn them all on to the same station (surround sound!) just to "exercise" them. Earlier today I scanned the upper bands just to see what was there. Picked up the CA and US time stations, some religious broadcasts, Spanish stations, and a couple of English news stations (from the States.) In the past I have found Vietnamese broadcasts in English. Not sure where the transmitter was located. Once in a while, I'll get a couple of Ham operators usually just talking about equipment. Having said all that, I find myself getting bored with the shortwave stuff. Not much of interest to me. So my question to you ham operators and other DX'rs, What is it that holds your interest in the upper bands? Is it the novelty of hearing stations thousands of miles away or is it something I have yet to learn?
By the way, I was at an estate sale where the guy had a basement full of radio stuff, mostly communications receivers - Hammerlund's, Hallicrafter's, Collins. A few AK's and other 20's stuff. Oh, there were 2 Zenith Trans Oceanic's. Not in great shape. I bought nothing as I didn't know what I was looking at. The prices seemed high on the first day. I have pics if it means anything to anyone. The sale is over.
In this thread, I'll first answer Ed's questions, then Rob's. And then let us go on to discuss Rob's two questions:
Quote:What is it that holds your interest in the upper bands? Is it the novelty of hearing stations thousands of miles away or is it something I have yet to learn?
Along the way, feel free to discuss your favorite SWL/communications receivers and why you like them; and what SWL/communications receiver(s) you would like to own.
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN