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Joined: May 2020
City: Roscoe
State, Province, Country: Illinois
I have a 41-280 that the cabinet is in decent shape. At some point would like to change out the veneer. But for now would like to clean and touch up because I cant look at it every time I walk by. Have been told To clean with GoJo and apply Howard’s restorer. Search the phorum but couldn’t find any info. Any suggestions from someone who has done this as to what color of Howard’s matches best. Thanks in advance for the help
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Depends on how far gone the finish is on your radio whether Howards will do much to make it look better (my opinion only, others may have some different advice). Walnut is probably a good color to start with. Howards is a combination of solvents and stain that will soften and amalgamate the existing lacquer and add a little color. Follow the treatment with the Howards beeswax polish to finish.
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I've used Howard restoring to touch up the finish on veneer and it works fine. I use it mostly to do the area around volume control and tuning knobs. I use go-jo to clean the the dirt and finger stains then light buffing with 0000 steel wool then blend the area with Howard, usually walnut. Try testing a small area out of site to make sure it works. It comes off fairly easy with a cloth and the steel wool if you want to test a different stain.