I would like to verify that my thoughts are correct regarding my Model 70 and its appropriate schematic.
My chassis info:
SN# 870044 - no prefix
Tubes: 24 (4), 27, 47, 80
Since I was unable to find a comprehensive serial number compendium I pieced together info from various sources. My understanding is that this is an early model and therefore the correct schematic should be the "Below B-22000" version. Is that correct?
When you unsolder what has been soldered before the unsoldering, the unsoldering of the soldered is what will be.
Hello Ross. The Philco Radio Library located at the bottom of the page has the schematic with the tube count you have. Hope this helps. The later schematic included AVC, and also has a couple 35 tubes as well. Take care and BE HEALTHY! Gary
I think you have the correct take on your set. Ron's annotated early schematics that note the below B22000 serial numbers would confirm that (I believe that is what you are looking at as well). I'm betting the S/N 870044 is actually B10044 ?? https://philcoradio.com/library/index.ph...chematics/